Acces points:

The tourist area of Ceahlău Mountain is accessible through 4 modernised trans-Carpathian roads:

  • Western route: Toplița – Borsec – Tulgheș (DN 15)
  • Northern route: Vatra Dornei – Broșteni – Poiana Largului (DN 17B)
  • South-western route: Gheorgheni – Lacul Roșu – Bicaz (DN 15D)
  • Eastern route: Roman – Piatra Neamț – Bicaz (DN 15 D)
  • North-eastern route: Tg. Neamț – Poiana Largului (DB 15 B)
Harta cailor de acces in Masivul Ceahlau
Bus routes that take these roads ensure safe and easy passage to Ceahlău and Durău townships, the main starting points of the ascension to the park.

Two forest roads shorten the path between Bicaz and Durău through Izvorul Muntelui (a county road, closed to public circulation) and between Bicazul Ardelean and Durău townships (a forest road). By railroad, you can reach Ceahlău either through Bicaz or through Gheorgheni – Toplița.

Durău Resort and Izvorul Muntelui are the most common acces points to the massif, while a third gateway is coming to fruition, following the Bicazul Ardelean – Bistra – Poiana Stănile trail (a forest road).

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